Filtering Tab Options

“Filter” (On/Off) is activating/deactivating software bandpass Butterworth filter. The default is Off.
- “high cutoff freq: Hz” is the high cutoff frequency in Hz. It must be greater than low cutoff frequency and observe the Nyquist criterion.
- “low cutoff freq: Hz” is the low cutoff frequency in Hz and must observe the Nyquist criterion. If low cutoff frequency is less than or equal to 0 or greater than half the sampling frequency value, the algorithms is not working. Low cutoff frequency must be less than high cutoff frequency.
- “order” specifies the filter order and must be greater than 0. The default is 5. If order is less than or equal to 0, the algorithm returns an error.
- “order” specifies the filter order and must be greater than 0. The default is 5. If order is less than or equal to 0, the algorithm returns an error.