FAQ & Troubleshoot
Q: FSPS™ software does not run after installation. Why ?
- This may happen on some computers running Windows 7 with particular “International settings”. To fix this, please, set English language for non-Unicode programs and/or apply English to the your “day & time” system format.
- Run the programs as an Administrator, i.e. check “Administrator” box in the “Privilege level” menu (see Compatibility Tab of the FSPS.exe property).
- Try to select another, more direct Programme folder during installation procedure, “C:\PSPS”, for example.
Q: FSPS™ software starts, but do not perform classification when I press “TEST” button. Thus, the only one class (blue spike shapes) is visualized.
This may happen on some computers running 64-bit version of Windows. To make the classifier working correctly you should run FSPS™ software in the WindowsXP compatibility mode (see Compatibility Tab of the FSPS.exe property). However, we are working to make it compatible with all 64-bits operating systems.