Spike Sorting Portal


FAQ & Troubleshoot


FSPS™ software does not run after installation. Why ?


FSPS™ software starts, but do not perform classification when I press “TEST” button. Thus, the only one class (blue spike shapes) is visualized.


Q: FSPS™ software does not run after installation. Why ?


  1. This may happen on some computers running Windows 7 with particular “International settings”. To fix this, please, set English language for non-Unicode programs and/or apply English to the your “day & time” system format.
  2. Run the programs as an Administrator, i.e. check “Administrator” box in the “Privilege level” menu (see Compatibility Tab of the FSPS.exe property).
  3. Try to select another, more direct Programme folder during installation procedure, “C:\PSPS”, for example.


Q: FSPS™ software starts, but do not perform classification when I press “TEST” button. Thus, the only one class (blue spike shapes) is visualized.


This may happen on some computers running 64-bit version of Windows. To make the classifier working correctly you should run FSPS™ software in the WindowsXP compatibility mode (see Compatibility Tab of the FSPS.exe property). However, we are working to make it compatible with all 64-bits operating systems. 


