Technical requirements (minimum hardware, software and operating system specifications):


1. National Instruments I/O Digital Acquisition Board (DAQ)*, having at least:

    ► One Analog input channel (sample rate 10 kS/S) with a Measurement Type – Voltage.
2. Computer**
    ► Processor-form factor: Pentium II or above;
    ► RAM:
1Gb or more;
    ► Display: 1,280x800 pixel resolution (1280x1024 is recommended);
    ► Video Card: 128Mb / 24bit-colors / resolution 1024 x 800 or higher;
    ► Monitor: 15 inch / resolution 1024 x 800 or higher;
    ► Hard Drive: 500 Mb of free space. 
3. Software

    ► Windows XP / 2000 / Vista / Vista x64 / 7 / 7 x64
    ► NI-DAQmx drivers (free at
    ► LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2009 (free at


* for new acquisitions or online classification only.
** some netbooks running Windows XP or Windows 7 are also supported.


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