Spike Sorting Portal


FSPS Advantages

The basic philosophy of FSPS software is to have highly accurate and trustable classification results in simple one click! However, simple does not mean easy. Our software based on main three pillars:
-    powerful set of math techniques;
-    advanced programming;
-    extensive experimental and clinical experience in electrophysiology.

FSPS software is entirely written in LabVIEW™ 2009 (National Instruments, USA).  LabVIEW was chosen for its ability to control the experimental protocol and the data acquisition while being able to run the analysis fast and online using threaded dataflow methodology. It is also reported that many LabVIEW subroutines shows considerable outperformance when compared to their identical counterpart written in MATLAB® (MathWorks™ , USA). Within generalized spike sorting procedure we have implemented 18 recent innovative procedures and inventions that allowing the following:

► Automatic threshold selection

► Fast extraction of spike’s waveforms

Hi-resolution alignment of waveforms to the peak position.

Removing false positives.

Signal preprocessing with modified Singular Value Decomposition.

Automatic determination the number of PCs to retain

Automatic determination the number of clusters to be found

FCM clustering analysis / online FCM classification

New objective quality measures

Simultaneous visualization/monitoring of activity of many isolated neurons.

Acoustic control.

Fully automatic and/or advanced manual spike sorting.

Flexible and easy adaptable for various experimental setup, needs and protocols.

Synchronization with external electronic devices (e.g. digital videorecorders, stimulators etc.).

Import/Export features.

Superior performance that allows running at standard environment (tested with most low-cost National Instruments DAQ, up to 300 spikes/s at one channel). So, that expensive real-time systems are not really necessary.
