Spike Sorting Portal


Agreement to Terms & Condirions

Agreement to Terms & Download
FSPS is computer software for fast and accurate automatic isolation of neurons during electrophysiological recordings and can be used for signal acquisition, visualization, classification and analysis of neuronal spikes. For more information regarding the current version of FSPS please email info@spikesorting.com.

The user acknowledges prior to download and use that:
1. FSPS™ is distributed under Creative Commons Public License (CCPL BY-NC-ND) and can be used for academic applications providing they properly reference our work in any publication that uses results generated by FSPS™ software. Under this CCPL you are free:
- to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
under the following conditions:
You must attribute this work referring to the authors (Oliynyk A., Bonifazzi C., Montani F. and Fadiga L.) and citing the source URL.
- You may not use this work for commercial purposes*.
- You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
2. NO signal acquisition features or on-line classification functionality of FSPSTM are limited under CCPL BY-NC-ND.
3. The software is a biomedical tool that should only be used by, or under the direct supervision of, an experienced researcher or licensed practitioner.

4. This software should not be utilized without careful review of the complete instruction manual, provided in the application folder or available at the web address: http://www.spikesorting.com/documentation.aspx.

5. Periodic updates for the software may become available, and the user accepts their obligation to register any changes in their e-mail address at www.spikesorting.com (if registered) should they wish to be informed about new releases. Users are also urged to check the www.spikesorting.com website for announcements of software upgrades.
6. Limitation of Liability.  To the full extent permitted by applicable law, The Licensee recognizes and accepts that:  a) the software is supplied “as is,” and the AUTHOR does not guarantee that the software is free of bugs, flaws or defects; b) the AUTHOR does not guarantee that the software meets the specific needs of the USER; and c) The AUTHOR expressly disclaims any responsibility for any damage, loss of profits, loss of business, loss of data, damage to computerS or peripheral equipment, or any other direct, indirect, incidental, CONSEQUENTIAL, special or punitive damage, or any losses of any kind, arising directly or indirectly from the use of the software, caused to the USER, patient or any third party.  The foregoing limitations apply even if the software ceases to fulfil its original and intended purpose.
7. The author does not guarantee the user any form of training, support or instruction regarding use of the software.

* - To obtain a Commercial License please delete CCPL (file ‘license.png’) manually, run the software and provide us with an authorization code necessary for your individual Commercial License. Please, allow up to 48 hours for an activation file to be delivered. USB security key will be released and delivered after FSPS™ Commercial License purchase.

Please, consult Installation Notes to understand which installation files you may need and to learn the order of installation procedure.

FSPS by Oliynyk Andriy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at contacts.aspx.

Creative Commons License

FSPS software & manual

  File Name Description Size(KB) Downloaded Modified Uploaded By
Download  manual.pdf

Manual & User Guide, v. 3.1.1 (current version!).
Updated 03-SEP-2014

1490 5368 1/30/2015 3:35:56 PM Admin
Download  setup.exe
FSPS (software installation) 3.1.1 (current version!).
Updated 03-SEP-2014.
Free for non-commercial academic use under Creative Commons Public License (BY-NC-ND).
55980 773 6/26/2016 4:01:57 PM Admin
2 object(s)

Labview Run Time Software


Spike Sorting Portal respects your privacy. We do not collect personally identifiable information about you unless you voluntarily provide it, such as when you provide email contact information to subscribe to our newsletter, send feedback to Spike Sorting Portal, or respond to a survey. If you voluntarily provide your email address or other contact information, we might also use it to inform you of changes to Spike Sorting Portal and/or FSPS™ software, to survey you about your use or opinion or to ask for your support. At your request, we will remove your contact information from our files.

We do not make your contact information or any other personally identifiable information available to anyone outside Spike Sorting Portal or its service providers. In addition to the above, we collect certain anonymous (non-personally identifiable) information to help us improve the Spike Sorting Portal and to evaluate the access and use of our materials and the impact of FSPS™ software on the worldwide research and educational community:

When we report information about Spike Sorting Portal access, use, and impact, we report aggregate, non-personally identifiable data. Occasionally, we report quoted feedback from users. We do not attribute feedback to specific individuals unless we obtain permission to use that person's name along with the feedback.
