Curriculum vitae of Andriy OLIYNYK /M.D., Ph.D./
1. General Information
2. Qualifications.
3. Statement of Background and Research Interests
4. Current Position Employment Duties.
5. Previous Positions Employment Duties.
6. Research experience in in vitro and/or in vivo electrophysiology.
7. Research experience in animal surgery and in the maintenance of anaesthetised animals.
8. Communication skills.
9. Demonstrated organizational skills and the ability to be self-directed, but also to work as part of a research team.
10. Demonstrated ability to plan and conduct experiments and analyze the results, and to write reports, refereed publications, and research proposals.
11. Skilled in the use of standard computer software and programs for performing statistical analysis of data and preparing research reports, and the use of library database and internet searches to keep abreast of new research findings.
12. Demonstrated understanding of principles and the willingness and capacity to implement equal opportunity, equity and occupational health and safety plans, policies and programs.
13. Keywords.
14. Memberships.
15. Previous Positions
16. Honors and Awards.
17. List of attending conferences.
18. List of publications.
Date of birth: May 27, 1971
Place of birth: Odessa, Ukraine
Oliynyk Andriy A.
Via Beata Lucia da Narni 3
Ferrara (FE) 44121,
Tel/fax: +39 0532 455243
+39 0532 472054 (off.)
Tel: + 39 328 4452782
+ 39 328 4452782 (mobile)
Odessa State Medical University (Odessa, Ukraine). Graduated with Honor M.D. degree in 1994. Speciality – General Medicine.
Odessa State Medical University (Odessa, Ukraine). Postgraduate education, 1994-1997). Ph.D., Odessa State Medical University, Pathological Physiology, 1997.
Assistant of Professor, Odessa State Medical University (Odessa, Ukraine). 2000-2007.
Associate Professor. Odessa State Medical University (Odessa, Ukraine), 2007-2008.
Researcher, University of Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy), 2007 – 2012.
Fellowship, Institut für Medizinische, Eberhard Karls Universität (Tübingen, Germany), 2012-2014.
University of Brescia (Italy). MD Thesis, 2014.
3. Statement of Background and Research Interests
I studied medicine (in Odessa, Ukraine) with the goal of becoming a neurologist, an initial hint at my interest in the brain and behavior. Thus, my Alma Mater in medicine is Odessa National Medical University, originating from the faculty of Odessa National University that earned reputation of one of the best educational formations in Ukraine and also highly recognized by world society (it occupies the 48th place in the world rating of universities). A great contribution in the history science and medicine was made by outstanding world-known scientists such as Ilya I. Mechnikov (Nobel Prize in 1908), and Ivan M. Sechenov, the chair of physiology and physico-mathematical faculty in 1871 and authored the classic “Reflexes of the Brain” introducing electrophysiology and neurophysiology into laboratories and teaching of medicine. Studying at this Faculty I became interested electrophysiology and since the 2nd year of my 6-year medical education I worked as a research assistant in the Normal Physiology Department of Odessa State Medical University to acquire the background in physiology under supervision of Prof. Alexei Shandra, Prof. Leonid Godlevsky and Dr. A. Mazarati. After graduating with Honor in General Medicine from Odessa State Medical University (now Odessa National Medical University) in 1994 I obtained a state funding for PhD study in Neurophysiology.
Although my initial work was focused on brain pathology, it sparked my original and long-lasting interest in investigating function, that is, in understanding “how the brain works”. So, my previous research has been dedicated to understanding of pathological aspects of epilepsy, a disease that provides "a window into the mind." Indeed, the study of epilepsy drove many of the earliest discoveries about how the brain is organized and such approach to study normal functioning through the pathology is not new. Even the famous Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1904) wrote in his letter to Pierre Janet that “as a physiologist, he is not limited to the study of pure physiology, but also deeply and comprehensively examines the pathology of higher nervous activity”.
In my studies I was focused on the experimental study of motor, behavioral disturbances and bioelectrical activity (in vivo EEG and ECoG) changes under various and widely used experimental models of epilepsy, like electrical, chemical kindling and genetically predisposed epileptic Wistar Albino Glaxo/Rijswijk rat strain (WAG/Rij). I have studied the role of neurotransmitters (mainly GABA and glutamate), neuromodulators (delta-sleep inducing peptide, enkephalins, cytokines etc.) and some drugs (new benzodiazepines, naloxone, most antiepileptics) in the control of neuronal excitability and mechanisms of interictal behavioral changes. The work was done in collaborations with Annamaria Vezzani (Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri", Milano, ITALY), E.L.J.M. van Luijtelaar (Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS), G.N. Kryzhanovsky (Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, RUSSIA) and laboratory of O. Krishtal (in vitro brain slice recordings at Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev UKRAINE). Our group and me we were ones of the first who showed the role of some cytokines (IL-1β and TNF-α) in the mechanisms of chronic brain epileptization and development of absence seizures using a genetic model of absence epilepsy in WAG/Rij rats [24, 52].
The investigation of mechanisms of behavioral disturbances during experimental epilepsy named my Ph.D. thesis in Medical Neuroscience as “Opiate mechanisms of behavioral disturbances under picrotoxin kindling”, which was successfully defended in 1997 (supervisor Prof. AlexeiShandra). As a result of fulfilled behavioral and electrophysiological studies is shown, that the picrotoxin kindling formation led to the activation of the brain endogenous opiate system, development of behavioral disturbances and changes of electrical activity of some limbic structures, primarily in ventral hippocampus. Mathematical modeling was an important part of this electrophysiological study.
Later on, I had decided to pursue purely physiological research and made a change of subject, from brain pathology and experimental models in small animals to human neurophysiology. Thus, I fortunately joined “Neurolab” team (University of Ferrara, Italy) supervised by excellent Italian neurophysiologist as Prof. Luciano Fadiga who, together with his Parma colleagues, discovered "mirror" neurons, - a class of neurons that respond both when the monkey performs actions and when it observes similar actions made by other individuals. L.Fadiga has suggested that these neurons unify perception and action and may contribute to others’ action understanding.
My current work at the Human Physiology section of the University of Ferrara in the field of cognitive neuroscience is investigating the association between visual information and motor commands in the learning, representation and understanding of complex manipulative gestures. Methodologies used: 1) single-unit recordings from behaving monkeys (main technique); 2) TOBII eye tracking; 3) QUALISYS™ motion capture system; 4) mathematical modeling; 5) Virtual Instruments programming using LabVIEW™.
A total number of 295 and 236 grasping motor neurons were respectively isolated from F5 and F1 areas of two monkeys during 271 recording sessions in last 3 years. Single-neuron activity was studied with reference to the execution of different hand/arm movements, selected to elicit different grip types or to the application of different sensory stimuli. For example, the presentation of a small piece of food placed inside a groove required the monkey to perform a precision grip, by opposing the first phalanx of the thumb to the first phalanx of the index finger, while a syringe filled with juice evoked a power grip, with the fingers wrapped around the object and the palm in contact with it. Visual canonical properties were tested by presenting the monkey with 3D objects of different size, shape and orientation. Visual mirror properties were tested by performing a series of hand actions (e.g., grasping holding, manipulating) in front of the monkey. This functional characterization, together with the intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) data, allowed us to select hand-related neurons predominantly selective for precision grasping. Particular attention was paid so to discard cells showing any kind of canonical or mirror visual properties and to include in the present study just those neurons showing only motor responses.
As a result of this work we demonstrate that ventral premotor area F5 of the monkey contains visuomotor neurons selectively strengthening their response during continuous or transient vision of the monkey’s own grasping movement. These findings confirm that the premotor cortex, as well as area AIP in the parietal lobe, is crucial for the visual control of handgrip formation during grasping. Furthermore, our results lay the ground for a visuomotor theory about the generation of “mirror” neurons. The specific observation evoked neuronal responses described in the study can be thought of as the key step for transferring the meaning attributed to our own movements to actions performed by other individuals, both during development and learning of new actions.
In parallel, during 2010-2012, I’ve been directly involved in the other study of the Neurolab team at the University of Ferrara (responsible Prof. Luciano Fadiga) which was the electrophysiological study and single-unit recordings from area F5a of the monkey's premotor cortex. Recent fMRI data on awake monkeys showed that both F5c (where "mirror" neurons are located) and F5a are activated by action observation. F5a, however, appeared to code actions in a less context dependent way and possibly involved in higher order aspects of motor control and action understanding. Considering its architectonic organization and the general properties of premotor areas, it was likely that F5a neurons have motor properties, but there were no single-neuron data available. Thus, electrophysiological mapping of this area at the level of single neurons was the main aim of the study [PDF].
I’m familiar with Near Infrared Spectroscopic recordings (NIRS) that I performed on premotor cortical areas of the Monkey’s brain in order to investigate the metabolic activity of this area during the prediction task. NIRS represents a very recent powerful technique, allowing non-invasive measurements of regional brain perfusion. Briefly, the infrared light of a laser diode is guided by an optical fiber to the scalp. Light at this wavelength (785-830 nm) freely pass the skull, is specifically absorbed by regional hemoglobin and the amount of non absorbed light (inversely related to local perfusion) is captured by another, receiving fiber and sent to a detector.
In 2012 I performed the sets of experiments with tDCS (transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation) in monkeys. Clinical therapy using tDCS may be the most promising application of this technique. There have been therapeutic effects shown in clinical trials involving Parkinson’s disease, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, and post-stroke motor deficits. In our experimental study we were trying to understand relationships between stimulation parameters and neuronal response.
The general result of all mentioned above electrophysiological studies and personal observations gave rise a new conception of information processing in the premotor cortex, which is a subject of my current and great scientific interest. This conception is based on the principle of spike synchronization across neurons that has recently received attention as a novel coding dimension due of its prevalence in cortical networks and its possible functional relevance for perceptual binding, sensoriomotor integration to convey stimulus-specific information. To demonstrate it I have investigated how complex neuronal representations of visuomotor and motor information are constructed from the activities of individual neurons recorded from Macaque monkeys. In addition, to quantify their effect I have recently investigated whether synchronized firing of nearby neurons inside the premotor and motor cortex, that may carry additional information about the stimuli. A quantitative answer to how correlation affects coding, independently of how responses are decoded has been provided by Information Theory. The article is in press at the Journal of Neurophysiology.
A particular focus common to all of these studies is a mathematical and computational modeling and simultaneous processing of output biological information (behavioral tasks, electrical activity changes, neural discharges etc). The current progress in science and technology led to dramatic increase of the biological information to be processed. Namely, multiple electrodes or multi-site electrophysiological recordings have become a standard tool for exploring complex brain functions and behaviour. These techniques point out the necessity of completely automatic, fast and reliable unsupervised spike sorting and innovative methodology for data analysis. My main achievement in this field is solving the spike sorting problem online using vectorial algebraic transformations of incoming polyspike data, multivariate mathematical analysis, Fuzzy classification techniques and LabVIEW™ software (please see my personal project details at and the paper at BMC Neuroscience for more details [filltext]. This work is successfully done in collaboration with Prof. Luciano Fadiga (University of Ferrara and Italian Institute of Technology). The method is registered at SIAE in 13/05/2011, no. 008031; order D007233). The application of this methodology for multi-site and multi-electrode recordings is ongoing.
In 2012-2014 I’ve been awarded a fellowship (Individual Grant Consorzio SPINNER №261/12) at the Institut für Medizinische, Eberhard Karls Universität (Tübingen, Germania). During this study I have successfully applied mentioned above methodology of Fuzzy classification to capture neural activity in patients with serious motor impairments (in completely locked-in state, CLIS). Classical semantic conditioning paradigm has been used. The prototype of such real-time Fuzzy classifier has been recently created and tested, the results of this study are currently elaborated to be published later in 2014.
4. Current Position Employment Duties:
Current Position Employment Duties:
1. Plan, perform and interpret a range of basic and advanced electrophysiological investigations of the ventral premotor cortex of the brain in non-anesthetized primates (monkeys) at various experimental conditions and behavioral paradigms, mainly related to the execution and observation of goal-directed actions. These include:
- design of individual titanium chambers, implants and accessories for long-lasting brain recordings in primates (using CAD and 3D plotter);
- perform surgical implantation of recording chambers, head holders, single electrodes and multi-electrode arrays;
- perform daily neurophysiology investigations using standard and special techniques. These include single-unit recordings and local field potential recordings using single electrode or multi-electrode arrays, EEG, EMG, Tobii gaze-tracking, Qualysis motion capture.
- perform statistical and mathematical data analysis, modeling;
- undertake interpretation of results;
- provide scientific reports on the above investigations, patents preparation.
2. Introduce and develop a new method and software for fast and accurate isolation of neurons from background electrical noise.
3. Contribute to the management and leadership for junior members of staff at the Department.
4. Contribute to the electronic equipment development and the implementation of new methods such as tDCS and NIRS into experimental research and clinical practice (in collaboration with manufacturers, laboratories and regional clinics).
5. Previous Position(s) Employment Duties
1. Lecturer for medical students at the Normal Physiology Department of Odessa State Medical University;
2. Plan, perform and interpret behavioural and electrophysiological investigations with small animals (rodents).
- spontaneous locomotion in “open field” test, rotarod;
- swimming behaviour;
- sleep-wake cycle studies;
- measurements of the velocity of impulse propagation through peripheral nerves;
- kindling model of epilepsy (electrical, chemical and genetic);
- electrocortigorgam (chronic implantation of electrodes);
- single and multi-unit recordings from hippocampal slices (in vitro).
- neuropharmacological analysis.
3. Didactic Manager at the Faculty of Foreign Students, Odessa State Medical University.
4. Expert of Ukrainian Ministry of Health in preparation of state licensing exam for medical students.
5. Researcher at the University of Ferrara (Italy).
6. Researcher at the University of Tubingen (Germany).
6. Research experience in in vitro and/or in vivo electrophysiology
1992 – 2002 – in vivo recordings from rat cortex and deep brain structures, acute and chronic recordings, 765 Wistar rats.
1998 – 2006 – in vitro extracellular field recordings from rat hippocampal slices, about 300 slices perfused.
2007 – 2012 – in vivo single-unit recordings from monkey’s (Macaca fascicularis) motor and premotor cortices, more than 600 penetrations and 900 recordings in last 5 years.
2012 – 2014 – clinical EEG recordings, LIS and CLIS patients.
7. Research experience in animal surgery and in the maintenance of anaesthetised animals
I have research experience in following surgical procedures:
1. Standard stereotaxic and surgical procedures for the recording electrodes implantation in rats and monkeys.
2. Cannulas implantation for repetitive microinjections of drugs (kainic acid, NMDA and GABA agonists/antagonists, neuropeptides) into lateral ventricle of the rat’s brain.
3. Cerebrospinal fluid aspiration from rats and cats.
4. The preparation of brain slices for in vitro studies and other surgical procedures related to this technique.
5. Insertion of recording multi-electrode arrays into the rat brain for long-term chronic recordings.
6. Surgical implantation of recording chambers, head-holders and implants in monkeys for long-term recordings.
7. Placing electrodes for immediate recording in non-anesthetised partially restrained monkeys.
8. I’m familiar and have comprehensive experience in both local and general anesthesiology techniques with inhalants, i.m., i.p. or i.v. injections of anesthetics depending on experimental needs and surgical protocol.
I have learned and developed my communication skills from following experience:
- as Lecturer for Medical Students (approx. 30 lectures/year) at Odessa State Medical University;
- practical lessons in physiology with medical and dentistry students (approx. 800 hours/year) at the same place;
- didactics manager for foreign students at the same place.
- participation at summer schools;
- international conferences and conversations in frames of research projects;
- 2007-2011 work in NEUROLAB research team at the University of Ferrara (Italy). There were mostly international participants from Italy, Germany, France and Canada. The knowledge of four languages (Russian, Ukrainian, English and Italian) allows me to communicate with more people.
9. Demonstrated organizational skills and the ability to be self-directed, but also to work as part of a research team
For a long period I coordinated the work and research activity of the neurophysiology group of Odessa State Medical University. Scientific activity has been awarded by Soros Foundation in 1996 (Grant PSU074106 released by Open Society Institute in frame of International Soros program of Hi-Tech support), while organizational efforts were recognized at the national level in 2001 by Award of Ukrainian Ministry Council. Being successful in this I have decided to follow my own and purely scientific way and start to work with primates together with excellent italian neurophysiologists as Prof. G. Rizzolatti and Prof. L. Fadiga. In general, working with monkeys require a joint efforts of many people, thus can not be individual. So, I become a member of Neurolab team (
Numerous literature data and my experimental experience suggests the necessity of better understanding the temporal characteristics of neuronal discharges arising from closely located cells. To do this a fully automatic and trustable spike sorting technique is essential. Thus, in parallel to a joint research and ongoing projects I have accomplished my own in the field of computational neuroscience. As a result of such activity I have invented the method and correspondent software for fully automatic and highly accurate separation of neuronal spikes using Partial Singular Value Decomposition and Fuzzy Logic algorithms (see for more details).
All mentioned above can attest my ability to work as a part a research team and to be self-directed at the same time.
10. Demonstrated ability to plan and conduct experiments and analyze the results, and to write reports, refereed publications, and research proposals
My first international project at which I contributed significantly into the research proposal and to the research program was supported by INTAS (The International Association for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union) in 1997. The project was directed at investigation the functional effects of inflammatory cytokines on seizures activity and epileptogenesis. As a result of conducted research some peer-reviewed articles were published.
Recent research projects in which I've been directly involved as a member of NEUROLAB team were:
1) 5-years long research project supported by European Union grant RobotCub (IST-
2004-004370) and by euCognition (FP6 Project 26408), as a member of Neurolab team in EU Partners consortium (see for more details);
2) Poeticon (ICT-215843, Framework Programme 7) as a member of Neurolab team (see for more details).
In both projects I was responsible for sets of neurophysiologic studies, interpretation of results and writing of deliverables.
My ability to analyze results can be attested by periodic activity as a Reviewer of Brain Research Bulletin and Academic Editor of Journal of Computer Intelligence and Neuroscience (for, instance:
11. Skilled in the use of standard computer software and programs for performing statistical analysis of data and preparing research reports, and the use of library database and internet searches to keep abreast of new research findings
I have lifelong computer experience since 1986. I my daily practice I’m intensively using Pubmed to update my current knowledge; Procite and Endnote software to write the papers and to access MEDLINE database; Adobe and MS Office products, MATLAB, Statistica 7 and SigmaPlot 11 and Excel for data elaboration, Rhinoceros™ and AutoCad to customize 3D models of implants, etdips software for brain imaging data, some specific packages like Qualisys Track Manager, gaze tracking software such as Tobii ClearView and many other.
I’m familiar with html-programming, MySQL database maintenance and scripting. I have 7-year experience with LabVIEW™ programming which I’m using to customize existing tools and to create new software for neuroscience. My recently finished project and Fuzzy Spike Sorting Software (FSPS™) has been entirely created with LabVIEW™ (National Instruments, USA) and obtained high appreciation from other scientists at Italian Institute of Technology (Genova), Neurosurgery Departments of Regional Hospitals in Udine, as well as experts from Alpha-Omega Engineering.
12. A demonstrated understanding of principles and the willingness and capacity to implement equal opportunity, equity and occupationalhealth and safety plans, policies and programs
First of all, I’m always trying to balance my work, family and other caring responsibilities effectively. My rising career, family (married since 1997 and two children at the moment) might be a good demonstration of this fact. The second, I’m fully aware about anti-discrimination legislation, for example the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act 1986. My work for long period with students and later with a people from different countries ensures that my workplace is free from offensive behaviour and unlawful discriminatory actions. I’m absolutely against of any discrimination behavior towards other peoples and always preventing it. My strong civilian position is that all people from diverse groups must have equal opportunities in access to education, employment, advancement, benefits and resource distribution, irrespectively of their age, race, sex, religion, political association, ethnic origin or whatever.
Besides, I have sincerely convinced that diverse workforce is a source of new ideas and ways of working and can lead to improved quality and more innovative research.
COS Keywords: Central Nervous System; Neurology; Neuroscience; Electrophysiology, tDCS, NIRS, Mirror Neurons, Single-Unit Recordings, Spike Sorting, EEG, Brain-Machine Interface
- Ukrainian Neuroscience Society (in the past).
- Ukrainian Chapter of Antiepileptic League (in the past).
Expert Committee of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health in realization of state license examination of medical students.
1995-1997, Postgraduate Student, Odessa State Medical University, Physiology (Odessa, Ukraine).
2000-2007 now Assistant Professor, Normal Physiology Department, Odessa State Medical University (Odessa, Ukraine).
2007-2008 –Associate Professor. Odessa State Medical University (Odessa, Ukraine).
2007-2012 – Researcher at Section of Human Physiology of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Advanced Therapy, University of Ferrara (Italy).
2012-2014 – Fellowship at the University of Tubingen (Germany).
2014 till now – MD Thesis named “Studio sperimentale sul ruolo della real-time fuzzy BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) in con grave cerebrolesione”, in collaboration with Prof. Alessandro Padovani, University of Brescia (Italy).
Honor of Soros Aspirant in 1996.
Award by Ukrainian Ministry Council in 2001.
17. List of attending conferences
1) “Anniversary Final Conference of Young Scientists of Odessa State Medical University” (20-21 April 2000, Odessa, Ukraine).
2) “XIV Conference on Epilepsy” (May 25-27, 2000, Warsaw, Poland).
3) Qualification trainings “Normal Physiology” (Sept.25–Nov 3, 2000, Kiyv, Ukraine).
4) “Salzburg-Cornell seminar in neurology” (August 12-18, 2001, Salzburg, Austria).
5) “International Teaching Course in Neurology” (September 27-29, 2001, Chisinau, Moldova).
6) Qualification courses “Current medical science. Professional expertise” (November 19-23, 2001, Kiyv, Ukraine).
7) “International EFNS Teaching Course on CLINICAL NEUROLOGY” (June 6-7, 2002, Vitebsk, Belarus).
8) 5th European Congress on Epileptology (Madrid, 6-10 October, 2002).
9) Qualification trainings “Current Medical Science. Professional Expertise” (Nov 12 – Nov 16, 2002, Kiyv, Ukraine).
10) Workshop “Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Human Communication (2-4 June 2005, Ferrara, Italy).
11) 5th International UJI Summer School (19-23 Sept. 2005, Benicassim, Spain).
12) 38th International Danube Symposium for Neurologic Sciences and Continuing Education (6-8 April, 2006, Brno, Czech Republic).
13) CogSys II Meeting (12-13 April, 2006, Nijmegen. Holland).
14) Congress of Italian Society of Neuroscience (September 27-30, 2007, Verona, Italy).
15) “Primate Neurobiology” (February 27-29, 2008, Tubingen, Germany).
16) A Symposium in Honour of Prof. Costantin Economo “Architecture of the Primate Cerebral Cortex (12-13 March, 2008, Trieste, Italy).
17) 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience (Geneva, Switzerland, July 12-16, 2008).
18) Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Neurofisiologia Clinica (Siena, Italy, 13-15 May, 2010).
19) 40th annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience (San Diego, USA, November 13-17, 2010).
20) 15th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders (Toronto, ON, Canada, June 5-9, 2011).
to be updated ... >>>
1. Shandra А.А., Godlevslcy L.S., Vikhresyuk S.L., Oleynik A.A. The influence of activation of the superior colliculi on convulsive activity during picrotoxin kindling // Neurosci. Behav. Physiol. . -1993. –Vol.23, №6. –P.562-567 [PubMed].
2. Shandra А.А., Godlevslcy L.S., Vastyanov R.S., Volohova G.A., Oleinik A.A. Vitamin treatment of posttraumatic convulsions // Raven Press. Epilepsia. -1995. - Vol.36, Suppl.3. - S.532.
3. Godlevsky L.S., Oleinik A.A., Vastyanov R.S. Effects of antiepileptic treatment upon seizure activity provoked by naloxone in rats with picrotoxin-induced kindling // Proc. І Int. Conf. Ukrainian Antiepileptic League. Odessa, -1996. - P.12 (in russian).
4. Oleinik A.A., Moalla I. Effects of different doses of naloxone upon behavioral disturbances and development of epileptic activity in pharmacologically kindled rats // Proc. І Int. Conf. Ukrainian Antiepileptic League. -Odessa. -1996. - P.52 (in russian).
5. Godlevsky L.S., Andronati S.A., Karasyova t.L., Vastyanov R.S., Oleinik A.A. Effects of new benzodiazepine compounds upon experimental abstinent syndrome // Proc. І Russian Pathological Physiology Congress. –Moscow. -1996. - P.31 (in russian).
6. Shandra A.A., Vasyanov R.S., Godlevsky L.S., Brusentsov A. I. Oleinik A.A. Naloxone-precipitated seizures: effects of antiepileptic treatment // Pгос. of the XІІ conf. of epilepsy. - Gdansk. -1996. -P.104-105.
7. Shandra A.A, Godlevsky L.S., Andronati C.A., Karasyova T.L., Oleinik A.A. The influence of new benzodiazepines upon manifestations of opiate withdrawal syndrome // Proc. Int. Symp. Molecular Targets and Cellular Mechanisms of Antiepileptic Drugs. - Geneva, 1996. -P.53.
8. Shandra A.A., Oleinik A.A. Pharmacological kindling as a mode of epilepsy and opiate withdrawal seizures: behavioral mid EEG responses // Ргос. XV Yugoslav symp. of epileptology with international participation. - Belgrad. -1996. -P.24.
9. Shandra A.A., Vastyanov R.S., Oleinik A.A., Gatzuk S.V. The role played by endogenous opioid system in the chemical kindling // Epilepsia. -1996. - Vol.37, suppl.4. -S.130.
10. Shandra A.A., Godlevsky L.S., Oleynik A.A., Vastyanov R.S. Mathematics modeling of behavioral disturbances in rats under conditions of experimental abstinent syndrome // School of Fundamental Medicine Journal (Kharkov). - 1996. -Vol.2, №.l. - P.91-92.
11. Oleinik A.A. Effects of different doses of naloxone on motor activity of rats with electrostimulative kindling // Epilepsia. –1998. -Vol.39, Suppl.2. -P.98.
12. Godovan V.V., Scherba O.E., Oleinik A.A. Russian medical sources in the INTERNET // Odesssa Medical Journal. –1998. –Vol.47, №3. - P.66-69 (in russian).
13. Oleinik A.A., Gnatkovsky V.V. The role of high [K+]out upon hippocampal pyramidal neurons activity under picrotoxin lindling conditions // Proc. Conf. of Young Scientists. -Donetsk. - 2000. -P.23-24 (in russian).
14. Shandra A.A. Oleinik A.A., Gnatkovsky V.V. Effects of naloxone upon hippocampal slices epileptic activity taken from pircotoxin kindled rats // Physiol J. (Ukraine) -2000. -№2, Vol.46. –P.107 (in russian).
15. Oleinik A.A. The role of endogenous opioid system in the excitability control mechanisms of hippocampus: in vitro investigations Proc. Sci. Conf. Odessa State Med. Univ. –Odessa., 2000. -P.119-120 (in russian).
16. Shandra A., Oleynik A., Gnatkovsky V. Picrotoxin kindling state facilitate population bursts of CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells: Effects of high -[K+]o // Epileptologia.-2000. –Vol. 8, Suppl.1. –P.110.
17. Oleinik A.A. The experience of mathematical modeling of neuronal hippocampal responses // Proc. of Sci. Conf. of Odessa State Med. Univ. –Odessa., 2001. -P.90 (in russian).
18. Shandra A.A., Oleinik A.A. Effects low [Ca2+]out and low [Mg2+]out upon CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells activity under the picrotoxin kindling // Arch. clin. and exp. med. -2001. -Vol.10, №2. -P.235 (in russian).
19. Shandra A., Godlevsky L., G.van Luijtelaar, Vastuanov R., Oleynik A., Konovalenko V., Vikhrestyuk S., Volokhova G., Coenen A.M.L. The role of interleukins in different seizure models // Epileptologia.-2000. –Vol. 8, Suppl.1. -P.111.
20. Shandra A.A., Oleynik A.A., Gnatkovsky V.V. Chemical kindling procedure facilitates population responses of CA1 pyramidal cells in rat hippocampal slices // Epilepsia. –2000. –Vol.41. –P.19.
21. Shandra A.A., Oleinik A.A. Characteristics of bioelectrical activity of hippocampal slices under chemical kindling // Proc. Sci. Conf of National Med, Univ. -Kyiv, 2001. –P.106 (in ukrainian).
22. Shandra A.A., Godlevsky L.S., Vastyanov R.S., Oleinik A.A., Vihresyuk S.L., Volohova G.A. Pathogenetic role of cytokines in mechanisms of chronic epileptogenesis in rats // Proc. 3-rd East-Europe Conf. “Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology” – Hurzuf . -2001. -P.30-32 (in russian).
23. Gnatkovsky V.V., Oleinik A.A. Phenomenon of enhanced epileptogenesis in the immature hippocampal slices of kindled rats under opioids and EEA agonists application // Proc Int. Conf. “Current aspects of the epilepsy treatment” – Odessa. – 2001. -P.15 (in russian).
24. Shandra A.A., Godlevsky L.S., Vastyanov R.S., Oleinik A.A., Konovalenko V.L., Rapoport E.N., Korobka N.N. The role of TNF-alpha in amygdala kindled rats // Neuroscience Research. –2002. –Vol. 42. –P. 147–153.
25. Shandra A.A., Godlevsky L.S., Vastyanov R.S., Oleinik A.A., Volohova G.A., Vihrestyuk S.L. The role of TNF-alpha in chronic epileptogenesis // Physiol. J. –2002. –Vol.48, №2. –С.61-62 (in ukrainian).
26. Shandra A.A., Oleynik A.A., Kaschenko O.A. The role of excitatory aminoacid system in mechanisms of epileptogenic effects of estrogenes // Physiol. J. –2002. –Vol.48, №2. –С.62 (in ukrainian).
27. Kaschenko O.A., Oleynik A.A., Vastyanov R.S. Changes of the brain electric activity in the conditions of chronic Li-pilocarpine-indiced epileptic syndrome // Odessa medical J. –2002. -№4. –С.33-37 (in ukrainian).
28. Kaschenko O.A., Oleynik A.A., Vastyanov R.S. Behavioural disorders at the interictal period in rats after pilocarpine administration // Physiol. J. –2002. –Vol.48, №4. –С.121 (in ukrainian).
29. Godlevsky LS, Shandra AA, Oleinik AA, Vastyanov RS, Kostyushov VV, Timchishin OL. TNF-alpha in cerebral cortex and cerebellum is affected by amygdalar kindling but not by stimulation of cerebellum // Pol. J. Pharmacol. -2002. –Vol.54, №6. –P.655-660.
30. Vastyanov R.S., Oleynik A.A., Gatzuk S.V., Gerasimovich E.V., Obzina N.V., Savchenko M.V., Shandra A.A. Using a video-technics and computers for study physiology // Фізіол. журн. –2002. –Vol.48, №4. –С.129-130 (in ukrainian).
31. Shandra A., Kashchenko O., Oleynik A., Vastyanov R. Behavioural interictal changes in rats with Li-pilocarpine model of epilepsy // Epilepsia. -2002. -Vol.43, Suppl.8. -P.80.
32. Oleynik A., Shandra A., Vastyanov R., Polyasny V., Kashchenko O., Godlevsky L. Seizure-protective effects of carbamazepine and phenobarbital in conditions of amygdala kindling // Epilepsia. -2002. -Vol.43, Suppl.8. -P.87-88.
33. Kaschenko O.A., Oleynik A.A., Vastyanov R.S. Ictal and interictal behavior in rats at the pilocarpine model of epilepsy // Vestnik neotloznoj I vosstanovitelnoj medicini. –2002. –Vol.3, №3. –С.432-435 (in russian).
34. Vastyanov R.S., Oleynik A.A., Kaschenko O.A. Changes of the rats swimming behaviour after seizures, produced by systemic pilocarpine // Odessa Medical J. –2002. -№6. (in ukrainian).
35. Gilles van Luijtelaar, Svetlana Vychrestyk, Gijs Verbeek, Rooslan Vastyanov, Andrey Oleynik, Galina Volohova, Alexei Shandra, Anton Coenen. Leonid Godlevsky Citokines and absence epilepsy. – In: The WAG/Rij model of absence epilepsy: The Nijmegen-Russian federation papers: Printpartmers Ipskamp Nijmegen. -2004. –P.199-215.
36. Vastyanov R.S., Oliynyk A.A., Shandra A.A. Epilepsy and inflammation interrelation // Integrative anthropology (Moscow). -2006., -Vol.1, №7. –P.34-41.
37. Gesierich B., Canto R, Fabbri Destro M., Fadiga L., Finos L., Hersch M., Oliynyk A., Craighero L. Study of kinematics and eye movements during imitation. CogSys II (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 12-13 April, 2006. p.42 [PDF].
38. Oliynyk A., Bonifazzi C., Gesierich B., Finos L., Fadiga L. Spike sorting with linear algebra transformation of spike shapes using LabVIEW software: an application for single unit recordings”. CogSys II University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 12-13 April, 2006 [PDF]
39. Vastyanov R.S., Oliynyk A. Neurotropic Effects of Cytokines and Trophyc Factors // Usp. Fiziol. Nauk. 2007 Jan-Mar;38(1):39-54 [PubMed].
40. Oliynyk A, Gesierich B, Canto R, Fadiga G, Caselli L, Fadiga L. An optimized approach for long-term single neurons recordings in behaving monkeys // Proc. 1st annual meeting of Neurobiology. 27-29 February, 2008. Tubingen (Germany). [PDF]
41. Oliynyk A.A., Vast’anov R.S. Receptors and mechanisms of neurotropic effects of cytokines and growth factors // // Usp. Fiziol. Nauk. (Moscow). -2008. -Vol.39, №2. –P.47-57 [PubMed].
42. Fadiga L., Budai R., Caselli L., Oliyinyk A., Craighero L., De Bertoldi F., Maieron M., Mondani M., Panaija A., Porro C., Tomasino B., Urgesi C., Weis L. and Skrap M. Single neuron recordings in human cerebral cortex: a source of fundamental information to functionally characterize the brain tissue at the border of low-grade glyomas // FENS Abstr., vol.4, 085.7, 2008 [PDF].
43. Oliynyk A., Gesierich B., Canto R., Fadiga G., Caselli L. and Fadiga L. An optimized approach for long-term single neurons recordings in behaving monkeys // FENS Abstr., vol.4, 096.18, 2008 [PDF].
44. Caselli L., Oliynyk A., Gesierich B., Craighero L. and Fadiga L. Visual feedback from the own acting hand modulates the activity of grasping motor neurons in monkey premotor area F5 // FENS Abstr., vol.4, 123.10, 2008 [PDF].
45. Agnes Just, Biljana Petreska, Aude Billard, Laila Craighero, Alessandro D'Ausilio, Andrey Oleynik, Luciano Fadiga. Point-to-Point Unconstrained Gestures: Modeling Wrist and Elbow Trajectories. 2009. [PDF]
46. Bonfanti, T. Borghi, R. Gusmeroli, G. Zambra, A. S. Spinelli, A. Oliynyk, L. Fadiga, G. Baranauskas: A Low-power integrated circuit for analog spike detection and sorting in neural prosthesis systems. BIODEVICES 2009: 67-74 [DOI: 10.1109/BIOCAS.2008.4696923]
47. Bonfanti A., Zambra G., Borghi T., Spinelli A.S., Angotzi G.N., Baranauskas G., Maggiolini E., Semprini M., Vato A., Oliynyk A., Torazza D., Budai R., Skrap M., Tomasino B. & Fadiga L. 2009, ‘A compact 8-channel system for multi-unit recordings with an autoclavable headstage developed for human brain tumor boundary detection’, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, USA, October 17-21, 2009.
48. R. Eleopra, C. Lettieri, S. Rinaldo, M. Mondani, L. Verriello, G. Pauletto, R. Budai, L. Fadiga, A. Oliynyk, M. Skrap. Pallidal neuronal activity in dystonic patients: A quantitative analysis // Proc. Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Neurofisiologia Clinica. Siena, Italy, 13-15 May, 2010. –P.067.
49. C. Lettieri, S. Rinaldo, G. Pauletto, L. Verriello, R. Budai, S. Biguzzi, M. Mondani, C. Conti, L. Fadiga, A. Oliynyk, M. Skrap // Effects of dissociative anesthesia on basal ganglia activity in patients underwent to Deep Brain Stimulation. Proc. Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Neurofisiologia Clinica. Siena, Italy, 13-15 May, 2010. –P.069.
50. Salmas P., Oliynyk A., Caselli L., Coudè G., Fadiga L. Functional properties of premotor area F5a: a single-unit study // Proc. 40th annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience. San Diego, USA, November 13-17, 2010 [PDF].
51.R. Eleopra, C. Lettieri, S. Rinaldo, M. Mondani, L. Verriello, G. Pauletto, R. Budai, L. Fadiga, A. Oliynyk, M. Skrap. Pallidal neuronal activity in dystonic patients: A quantitative analysis // Proc. 15th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders. Toronto, ON, Canada, June 5-9, 2011. –P.236.
52. Andriy Oliynyk and Claudio Bonifazzi. FSPS™ software per la classificazione automatica online delle scariche neuronali // Proc. NIDays, Rome, 2012. -19^ed. –P.84-85 [PDF].
53. G. van Luijtelaar, S. Lyashenko, R. Vastyanov, G. Verbeek, A. Oleinik, C. van Rijn, G. Volokhova, A. Shandra, A. Coenen, and L. Godlevsky. Cytokines and Absence Seizures in a Genetic Rat Model // Neurophysiology, Vol. 43, No. 6, March, 2012 [SpringerLink] [PDF].
54. C.Lettieri, S.Rinaldo, G.Devigili, G.Pauletto, L.Verriello, R.Budai, L.Fadiga, A.Oliynyk, M.Mondani, S.D'Auria, M.Skrap, R.Eleopra. Deep brain stimulation: subthalamic nucleus electrophysiological activity in awake and anesthetized patients // Clinical Neurophysiology. -2012. [Pubmed][PDF].
55. A.Oliynyk, C.Bonifazzi, F.Montani and L.Fadiga. Automatic Online Spike Sorting with Singular Value Decomposition and Fuzzy C-mean Clustering // BMC Neuroscience. -2012, 13:96 [Pubmed][fulltext][PDF]. – highly accessed.
56. Andriy Oliynyk, Stefano Panzeri, Fernando Montani, Luciano Fadiga. An Information Theoretical Approach to investigate stimulus-driven responses between pairs of neurons // 2013 [PDF].
57. Fadiga L, Caselli L, Craighero L, Gesierich B, Oliynyk A, Tia B, Viaro R. Activity in ventral premotor cortex is modulated by vision of own hand in action // PeerJ. -2013, 2;1:e88 [Pubmed][fulltext][PDF].
58. Fernando Montani, Andriy Oliynyk and Luciano Fadiga. Superlinear Summation of Information in Premotor Neuron Pairs // International Journal of Neural Systems. Vol. 27, No. 02, 1650009. Accepted 15 December 2015, Published: 11 February 2016. [Pubmed][PDF].
59. Viaro R, Tia B, Coudé G, Canto R, Oliynyk A, Salmas P, Masia L, Sandini G, Fadiga L. Finger pressure adjustments to various object configurations during precision grip in humans and monkeys // Eur J Neurosci. 2017 Jun;45(11):1473-1484. doi: 10.1111/ejn.13587. Epub 2017 May 16. [Pubmed].
Since 2013 Dr. Andriy Oliynyk role as Academic Editor of the Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Journal, specializes in editing work written for academic purpose [PDF example].
NB: Sometimes in my publications the surname has been transliterated from Russian or Ukrainian languages as Oleinik or Oleynik.
At the moment, there are some peer-reviewed articles (in the preparation) and under the peer-review (in press) as a result of experimental research and clinical studies.
In total I have more than 70 printed publications (most in Russian and some in peer-review journals), 4 inventor's certificates (not included in the list), 10 rationalization proposals (not included in the list) and 1 software copyright registered at SIAE (Italian Society of Authors and Editors) in 13/05/2011, no. 008031 (order D007233) on FSPS™ software for brain research and neuroscience.
19. Ask the following persons about Dr. Andriy OLIYNYK
1. Prof. Leonid GODLEVSKY (M.D., D.Sci.), Head of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Devices, Odessa National Medical University (ONMU).
Address: 2 Valihovsky lane, Odessa 65026, UKRAINE ( Phone: +38(048)-7231502 or +38(050)-2447186.
2. Prof. Luciano FADIGA, Department of Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).
Address: via Morego 30, 16163 Genova, ITALY. ( Phone: +39(366)-6038832
+39(366)-6038832; +39(010)-7178467
+39(010)-7178467 or+39(0532)45-5338
+39(0532)45-5338. (othercontact details).
3. Prof. Laila CRAIGHERO, Faculty of Medicine – Department of Biomedical Sciences and Advanced Therapy - Section of Human Physiology, University of Ferrara (UNIFE).
Address: Via Fossato di Mortara 17/19, 44121 Ferrara, ITALY. ( Phone: +39(0532)45-5928
+39(0532)45-5928. (othercontact details).
4. Prof. Alexei SHANDRA (M.D., D.Sci.), Head of the Normal Physiology Department, Odessa National Medical University (ONMU).
Address: 2 Valihovsky lane, Odessa 65026, UKRAINE ( Phone: +38(048)723-4095.
5. Claudio BONIFAZZI, Faculty of Medicine - D.S.B.T.A. Section of Human Physiology, University of Ferrara (UNIFE). – math expert.